June 2018
Wyckoff Chamber Scholarship Awards Event
The Wyckoff Chamber of Commerce will reward educational excellence at its annual Scholarship Awards Event on Monday, June 11th, 5:30-7:30 pm at the Brick House Restaurant (179 Godwin Ave., Wyckoff). We will also have Wyckoff Township Administrator, Bob Shannon as our honoree. Come celebrate with us. Event cost is $45 per person and includes food and cocktails! Pay at EventBrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wyckoff-chamber-of-commerce-scholarship-awards-tickets-46264750113?aff=es2
Find out more »September 2018
Wyckoff Chamber Autumn Photo Contest
Take a pic of an Autumn scene anywhere in Wyckoff in JPG format and make sure to label with your name, email, phone number and location of the photo and email to wyckoffchamber@gmail.com. Submit by November 21st. One entry per person. call 201-468-1999 with any questions. A $300, $150 an $75 gift certificates will be awarded for the top 3 entries. The public can vote once at www.wyckoffchamber.com Follow the link to our Wyckoff Chamber Facebook page. Click on photos and…
Find out more »October 2018
Wyckoff Chamber Meeting at Abma’s Farm
Thursday, October 18th, 8:00 am. Come to Abma's Farm in Wyckoff (700 Lawlins Rd.) for a morning hayride (dress appropriately). Representative from Abma's will be talking about what exactly goes on at the farm and about GMO's. Learn about the last working farm here in Wyckoff, all while you meet new people and network. Come have some breakfast with the Abma's and enjoy a little country living! RSVP to wyckoffchamber@gmail.com or call Barbara at 201-468-1999.
Find out more »February 2019
Wyckoff Chamber Spring Photo Contest
Send us your pic taken anywhere around Wyckoff in jpeg format by May 24th! Email them to wyckoffchamber@gmail.com. Photos will be uploaded to our Wyckoff Chamber of Commerce Facebook page in an album called Spring on May 27th. Go there to vote by "liking" your favorite photo. Prizes will be awarded in gift certificates. First prize is the Chamber Board pick for $300, second is $150 and third is $75. Second and third place winners will be determined by counting…
Find out more »Wyckoff Chamber Scholarship event
The Wyckoff Chamber Scholarship award event is now under way. 3 awards will be given to High School Seniors, the first $2,000 goes to a Wyckoff student resident. Then 2- $1,000 awards will go to the employee or the child of an employee of a Wyckoff Chamber Member. Deadline is April 23rdh. Mail your application to Wyckoff Chamber, PO Box 2, Wyckoff, NJ 07481. Call Barbara Petruccelli at 201-468-1999 with any questions. https://wyckoffchamber.com/scholarship-app-2021/
Find out more »April 2019
Wyckoff Chamber Networking Event
Join us for an evening of Networking along with Bergen Biz! Monday April 29th 5:30-8:00 pm at the Blue Moon Mexican Café in Boulder Run, Wyckoff. Have some tasty appetizers, wine, beer and sangria. Come promote your business and connect with new people! Tickets are $25. Purchase your ticket at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wyckoff-chamber-networking-event-tickets-59111410821?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Find out more »October 2019
Wyckoff Chamber “Safe Trick or Treat” at Boulder Run
The Wyckoff Chamber of Commerce "Safe Trick or Treat" event will be held on Saturday, October 26th, 11:00-3:00 outside Stop & Shop (327 Franklin Ave., Wykoff NJ ) in Boulder Run Shopping Center. Trick or Treat at area businesses, have some special treats and give-a-ways provided by Stop & Shop and other Chamber members. Get your picture taken by Photography by Cara at 11:30 am and posted to the Wyckoff Chamber of Commerce Facebook page for you to download. Come join us and…
Find out more »December 2021
Santa Comes to Wyckoff & Tree Lighting event
Join us for a fun filled annual Community event! Santa rides the firetruck and stops at the areas below. The Wyckoff Chamber of Commerce presents our yearly Santa Comes to Wyckoff and Town Tree Lighting event with a live DJ and refreshments on Friday, December 3rd. Rain date will be held on Monday, December 6th. Meet us at Town Hall at 7:00 for Santa’s arrival. Join us for some refreshments and meet up with Santa & Mrs. Claus! Santa and Mrs.…
Find out more »May 2022
Wyckoff Chamber multi-chamber Network event
Join the Wyckoff Chamber of Commerce and other chambers for an evening of Networking on Tuesday May 24th, 5:30-7:30pm at Blue Moon Café in Boulder Run (327 Franklin Ave., Wyckoff). Tickets are $30 and include tasty appetizers, beer wine and sangria. Tickets can be purchased on EventBrite.com or at the door. Join us for an evening of meeting new business professionals. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wyckoff-chamber-of-commerce-network-event-tickets-339071169997?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Find out more »June 2022
Wyckoff Chamber Annual Scholarship Event
Annual Scholarship Event - Monday June 13th! The Wyckoff Chamber will hold its annual scholarship awards event on Monday June 13thTuesday, June 13th, 6:00-8:00pm at Bergen Brick, Stone & Tile (685 Wyckoff Ave., Wyckoff) Join us to award our students, make some new connections and promote your business. Feel free to invite an interested friend. Please be sure to RSVP as we need an accurate count as wine, beer & appetizers will be served! RSVP to wyckoffchamber@gmail.com or call 201-468-1999…
Find out more »